
John Seely Brown: Laura's thoughts.

These are basicallly stream-of-consciousness that will be further edited later. Feel free to comment at this point.

"Do we understand the kids these days?" Have we ever? They are always connected (cell phones etc), but is that a good thing?

"I am what I create." Better than the 1980's "I am what I wear." I'm wondering if this might be a bit utopian.

Classroom as design studios: wthis is waht we're looking for hin the TLC..... MIT studo classroom..this is something I should look at when I'm in Boston to see how it's working and what we can adapt to MC.

He's talking about how this works in architecture...lots of hands-on etc....I wonder if it would work the same in other content areas such as English and history?

"These kids are natural collaborators" not the kids I had in the leadership class last semester!! They did their group projects kicking and screaming...maybe Rich is right...maybe we are looking for unicorns?? Students hated the active learning...boy I can relate to that one!!! So we need to learn how to use these studios best...not only so that students learn, but also so that they don't hate the experience.

Intresting that he's discusing the Open Source movement when I've been reading in The World is Flat about the open source movement and its influence in flattening the world. Zeitgeist? coincidence?

Multimedia Literacy at the USC with George Lucas. How we can communicate with images and more nonverbally. The digital story "Last Gasp of Air" was an excellent example of that. Mabyge I should have digital storytelling as an option in my summer class? something to think about....

Of COURSE she didn't share that with her mother! I'm surprised she shared it with anyone. her audience was herself, to work that out on her own.

*Ears pricking* Games? Cool, he's saying a good bit of what I was saying in my presentation (link to follow). I'm glad to see the focus on the MMOGs. I think this is one of the most powerful potential applications.

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At 1:05 PM, March 06, 2006, Blogger Laura said...

Good point, Tom. I think, though, that the end goal was to work it out. I think that the digital story was the way in which she worked it out. Many people (I included) need to write in order to know that they are thinking. I think the digital story is the next level of this.


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