
Mark Taylor Interview

I was glad to have the chance to meet Mark Taylor and conduct a brief interview with him between the keynote and his afternoon session. I hope our brief chat is a useful addition to his valuable contributions at the conference. Here is the 8MB MP3 file. If you use iTunes, subscribe to the feed for this blog to automatically load the file into iTunes.

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Dr. Mark Taylor - hmm.

Dr. Mark Taylor's keynote on Tuesday was very entertaining, no question. I was very interested in his afternoon presentation on pedagogy for the postmodern "Gen NeXt" student. It, too was was entertainihng and informative. But on the way home that evening, something kept nagging at me.

I realized that the instructional techniques he advocated - making the content relevant to the learner, engaging the learner in authentic, meaningful activities - is really nothing new. We've been talking about that in terms of educating adult learners for a long time.

That's good news - the same techniques that work for our non-traditional adult students also seem to be tailor-made to reach the young adults in our classrooms as well. Might we just call it "effective teaching?"

The bad news is that there's STILL a market for someone to travel around the country telling this to teachers and administrators.

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I'd like to discuss the blogging experience that we had at the conference. What were the reactions? Did you find it engaged you in the sessions more or less? I'd love to hear what you are thinking.

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