I'd like to discuss the blogging experience that we had at the conference. What were the reactions? Did you find it engaged you in the sessions more or less? I'd love to hear what you are thinking.
Technorati Tags: ODCE
Extending the conversation from the Ohio Digital Commons for Education Conference.
I'd like to discuss the blogging experience that we had at the conference. What were the reactions? Did you find it engaged you in the sessions more or less? I'd love to hear what you are thinking.
The couple of sessions I live-blogged on Monday, it was like taking notes. I was certainly more engaged. It's also very useful to see the reports from other folks on sessions I missed.
I persoanly liked having the reflection tool. I do not know how maany others read the blog. The comments were, mostly from us bloggers. I was disappointed the wiki was not used more.
So what did we learn from this experiment? Looking ahead, we need som emore conversation about how these tools can enrich the conference experience. Or can it? What is the best use of these tools? Are these tools better suited to ongoing dialogue within learning communities? Are we partly modeling a learning environment and if so, can we do this more explicitly?
I got some mixed reaction. Like Corrie, I found that I was more engaged in the session that I live blogged. I'm going to do this at every conference if I can.
However, I heard a bit of other reactions. At least one person thought I was checking my email or random websurfing when in actuality I was blogging the sesssion. Maybe it's just my personality. I like to multitask. I listen to podcasts while I clean (whenever possible), I read books while I eat and the TV is on. I'm never happier than when I'm in the middle of 2-3 books at a time. It's interesting to draw disparate connections then. However, I do wonder about the etiquette of confernce blogging. Other ideas?
Laura has an interesting point. it reminds me of a recent webinar, where the sidebar conversation in the chat window was very animated, and had little to do with what the speaker was saying at the moment (though it was sparked by a previous comment).
Although I was participating in the chat, I felt a bit guilty that I was not paying attention to the speaker. It felt like I was being rude.
That's different than taking notes. And taking notes is different from *broadcasting* notes. At least, I suspect it might be.
Will a presenter present differently if he/she knows that its being broadcast/podcast/liveblogged?
If so, how?
And does it matter?
Regarding the "reudeness" of chat or blog during a session... check out the Colorado Technology conference link at John Seely Brown's site. You can listen to audfio of a speech he gave that was very similar to what he gave us. In it he talks about an experiment (at MIT I think) in which all the "back channel" conversation -- IM, web searches -- is made public and projected on a screen next to the teacher.
I think some of what Rick was talking about was going on in a few conference sessions. For example, the OpenSource update session featured questions pulled from the blog by Cable Green and answered aloud by the presenter. I heard that there were other sessions that did the same thing, but I didn't go to them. It was quite an interesting meld of the online and the f2f, using the best of both worlds.
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